Words of Wisdom- and a Call for Change and Hope from America’s Youth!

I know that the vast majority of libertarians support our agenda by quoting the founding father’s, buy purporting the ideals of our nations constitution, and Attempting to brand our movement as anything but new. But let’s face the facts, Libertarians have been around since Jefferson penned the Declaration of Independence, and our values and ideals are nothing new to America– In Fact, They are quite old, yet only recently recognized by the motivated youth. Even our Earlier Political Leaders of the 20th Century knew the importance of Liberty, and the lack of value the government had in People’s Every Day Lives.

Well Shit, Calvin Coolidge Lead our nation as a Governor  a President, and a life long Politician- during some of the most economically trying times in our History. That’s right, the Era of Depression. If you think our “Recession” is bad, take a Gander at What Mr. Coolidge had to say about His role in government during the Depression Years.

“Perhaps one of the most important accomplishments of my administration has been minding my own business. Government shouldn’t play a part in everyday life. Jefferson said that the people should be left to manage their own affairs. His opposition will bear careful analysis, and the country could stand a good deal more of it’s application. The trouble with us is we talk about Jefferson, but we do not follow him. In this theory that people should manage their government, and not be managed by it, he was everlastingly right.”

-Calvin Coolidge

coolidgeWhy the fuck didn’t any of my teachers ever teach me anything about how awesome this man is? we only learned about how “awesome” FDR was for single handedly creating the entitlement complex we call liberalism- with his new and hip “New Deal.” And look where government hand outs have gotten us?

It’s time for a real change, and not a FauxBama Change either- something different than the status-quo, instead of a re-branding of it.
It’s time for the Impressionable Libertarian Kids to rise up out of their dorm rooms- and make the case for real change. The Youth vote will decide the future of our country- and we must make sure the Youth vote is ours!

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